Sunday, December 4, 2011

If you could choose two things to change about our high school campus, what would they be and why?

Two things I would choose to change would be our new administration, and to modify our buildings. The administration that we recently had been appointed to our school do not have the spirit, and dedication one who should be running a high school should have. Every change that has been made to the school has not been to benefit the students, but to benefit themselves instead. Castle Park High School no longer has the spirit, and pride from the students as it has had in past years. Therefore, students do not look forward in waking up, and walking through those doors each morning, thus resulting in them not showing up, or caring, period. Second, students need a school which they feel honored to attend, meaning a respectable appearance. Modifying our buildings will not only bring a fresh new look to the school which could be used as a chance to start new, but it will also give the students the feeling of pride for their school, and they will start to respect our school as it should be respected.

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